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Mental Health & Wellness

Image by Pablo Heimplatz
Image by Finn

You do not have to have a mental illness or be going through something like trauma or chronic pain to need help. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Even if you are happy, mental wellness is important and something we need to be constantly working at. The courses below are designed to meet your needs, regardless of your situation. These courses are also open to people struggling with any of the named conditions on the other pages.

Available Courses

Mental Wellness Top Up

This course is designed for people who want to strengthen their mental wellness. We will use a variety of different techniques to evaluate all aspects of your life, from relationships to work/life balance to physical health, and develop skills you can use to continue maintaining, improving and strengthening your mental wellness.


Burnout is a very real, very painful experience that is not just confined to the workplace. You can experience burnout in any facet of your life and it can have a profound impact on you. Through various techniques we will explore the burnout you are experiencing, the feelings associated with it, and the impact and implications it has on your life. Together, we will then work to identify strategies to help you take care of yourself and work towards overcoming the burnout.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome can appear in a variety of situations and lead to a lot of stress and mental anguish. This course will utilize a range of techniques to help you explore the imposter syndrome you are struggling with, its origins and the thoughts and feelings that accompany with it. We will also develop tools to help you combat it and move towards gaining more confidence in the area's you are struggling in.


Being an athlete, regardless of the sport you play, the team you play for, or the level you play at, can be mentally and physically taxing. A big part of any athletic endeavor is mental and if your mindset is not ok, your performance is likely to suffer. As a former athlete myself, I understand the unique struggles that athletes can face and have designed this course to help you explore the thoughts and feelings that might be causing challenges for you. Through a variety of techniques we will identify these barriers and develop ways to challenge and overcome them while also learning ways to take care of yourself amongst the demands that being an athlete puts on your life. This course can also help you if you have suffered an injury or something else that has affected your ability to be an athlete and the sense of loss that accompanies that.


Everyone will struggle with forming or maintaining relationships at some point in their lives. Whether its a romantic relationship, friendships or relationships with family, relationship problems can have a profound effect on us. This course is designed to explore the struggles you are having with forming or maintaining healthy relationships and knowing when to end a relationship and the grief that can accompany that. Through a variety of techniques we will examine the relationship problems you are having and develop tools you can use to better form and maintain healthy relationships, and cope with the thoughts and feelings that are occurring because of the relationship problems you are having..

Customized Courses

Life is rarely simple and often we are struggling with multiple issues at once. For this reason there may be multiple courses spanning across different area's that could benefit you. This course will allow you to combine any courses you want into a package so that you can best meet your needs while also receiving the package discount.

Pricing depends on courses chosen and package length. Please contact me to discuss further and for pricing.

Non-Fictional Writing for Self-discovery, self-reflection, self-care or problem solving

Non-fictional writing can be extremely beneficial to maintaining your mental wellness. However, it can also help you explore everyday issues, who you are as a person, who you want to be, what you want for yourself and your life and anything else that crops up. In this course, we will use various types of non-fiction writing to explore issues that you might be dealing with or area's that you would like to explore further ​and you will learn how to incorporate non-fictional writing into your self-care routine in a way that is most beneficial to you.

Processing and exploring struggles through TV shows and movies

Often people will identify or strongly not identify with  particular TV shows, movies or fictional characters. ​The shows, movies and characters we identify with, or alternatively strongly do not identify with, can tell us a lot about our mental health, our needs, desires, struggles, fears and dreams. This course helps you examine and process whatever you are struggling with and its effects on you through the TV shows, movies or characters that you identify or strongly don't identify with. This course can also be helpful to those who are not struggling with anything specific but want to engage in self-reflection, further examine your identity or anything else that is happening for you.​


Often, especially when something hard happens in our lives, we can lose our sense of identity. It can leave us wrestling with questions such as "who am I," or "what is my purpose in life." This loss of identity and the questions that come with it can cause a lot of disruption to our mental health and self-esteem. This course uses a range of techniques to help you process, explore and define your identity and purpose in life.

College Students

Being a college student can be extremely stressful. Whether you are struggling with adjusting to college life, finding your desired degree and career path, managing the work load, forming and maintaining healthy relationships, preparing to graduate or anything else, this course can help. During this course we will use a variety of unique techniques to explore the challenges you are facing, the stress and emotions you are experiencing and identify ways that you can manage these and be a happier, more successful college student.


Moving to a new country is hard. As an immigrant myself I understand the challenges associated with adjusting to a new culture, dealing with the immigration law system, forming new relationships, finding a job, attending school, and all the other potential challenges that can crop up. During this course we will explore the challenges you are facing and the thoughts and emotions these challenges are inspiring and work towards developing strategies to help you overcome these challenges and manage the thoughts and emotions you are experiencing so that you may feel more settled and find your place in this country.


Just about everyone, at one point in time or another, will have recurring nightmares or dreams that bother them. Even if you are not having the exact same nightmare every night, struggling with frequent nightmares can not only be exhausting but also painful and confusing. During this course we will use specific techniques to explore your nightmares; the patterns that may be present in them, the things that may be causing them, and the meaning behind them. The strategies we use will also help you to process them and work towards stopping them so you can feel more rested.

Body Image

Just about everyone, at some point in their life, will struggle with body image. Messages surrounding body image are everywhere and almost impossible to avoid and they can negatively affect the way we see ourselves and our bodies. This course utilizes a variety of different techniques to help you explore the issues you are having with body image, where they are stemming from and how to challenge them and begin to improve the way you see yourself and your body.

Advocating for Yourself

Regardless of the situation, self advocacy can be daunting and difficult to do. This course utilizes a range of techniques to explore the barriers that are preventing you from being able to effectively advocate for yourself and will equip you with strategies that you can use to begin to improve your self-advocacy skills.

Fictional Writing for Self-discovery, self-reflection, self-care or problem solving

Fictional writing can be a great way to explore every day issues or the bigger issues such as your identity or long term hopes and dreams. This course centers around teaching you how to use fictional writing to strengthen your mental health and wellness. You do not have to be creative or a writer to benefit from fictional writing. The focus is on the different thought pathways and perspectives that it opens up, rather than the finished product.

Using art for self-reflection, self-care, self-exploration and problem solving

Art has a way of forcing you to use different parts of your brain which, in turn, opens different thought pathways and gives you different perspectives. You do not have to be an artist to benefit from art. Instead, in this course we will utilize different types of art to help you explore any issues that you are dealing with or anything you want to further explore. We will then work together to develop a plan for how you can incorporate art into your self-care routine or use art to better your self-awareness and your life in general.

Living in a Hostile World

The world as we know it has changed significantly over the years. Many of these changes can make the world feel hostile and unsafe and can have a profound impact on our mental wellness and our lives in general. Regardless of what you are struggling with, this course will use a variety of unique techniques to help you work through and process the issues happening in the world around us and how they are affecting YOU and your happiness. 

Grief and Loss

At some point in our lives everyone will go through a loss of some kind. Sometimes this loss comes in the form of someone close to us passing away. Other times, the loss is something else like the loss of a career, divorce, the loss of a friendship or any number of other things. Grief can be debilitating and seem never-ending. But you don't have to go through it alone. In this course, I will use a range of unique techniques to support you and help you process and come to terms with your loss.

I'm a college student and was struggling to adjust to the demands of college. But I didn't tell anyone or seek help because, I was ashamed and believed that I shouldn't be struggling. Seeing Jay changed everything for me. She helped me see that plenty of people struggle in college and was so compassionate and kind. She also helped me a lot in finding ways to manage the stress and better handle the work.

O. L. 

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