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Image by Tim Bieler
Rainbow Kiss

While being part of the LGBTQ+ community is a blessing, there is no question that it also comes with unique challenges. The services I offer are designed to help you conquer these challenges so you can live the life you want to live as your true, authentic self.

Available Courses


It can be hard to accept and love yourself when so many messages in the world tell you not to. Through a range of techniques, this course aims to help you explore the barriers that are stopping you from accepting yourself as you are, and will equip you with skills you can use to challenge these barriers and begin to move towards true self-acceptance and happiness.

Grieving the loss of loved ones.

All too often when people come out as LGBTQ they lose people they are close to, whether it be family members, close friends, mentors or other important figures in that persons life. In this course, we will use various techniques to explore the grief and other emotions that losing loved ones has caused you and develop tools that you can use to continue processing these losses and moving to a place of acceptance and a happier future.

Work or school

Again, members of the LGBTQ+ community face unique challenges in the workplace and within schools. Through a variety of techniques, we will explore these challenges and how they are effecting you and together we will develop strategies you can use to begin to overcome these challenges so that you can be as successful as possible.

Living in a Hostile World

As much as I wish it wasn't true this world can be cruel to LGBTQ+ people. From messages in the media to the reactions and beliefs of loved ones, it can be hurtful and lonely and damaging. This course focuses on exploring the struggles and pain that you have experienced in the world and together we will work to identify strategies you can use to protect yourself, process the pain that has been caused, and create a world around you that is safe and welcoming.

Forming and maintaining relationships

There can be unique challenges in building and maintaining relationships when you are LGBTQ+. Whether it's finding a romantic partner, forming new friendships or navigating old relationships, this course will help you explore the struggles and barriers you are facing and identify ways to overcome these struggles to start bettering your ability to form and engage in healthy relationships.

LGBTQ+ & Spirituality

People who are LGBTQ+ struggle with spirituality in many painful ways. Maybe they have been hurt by certain religious messages, maybe they are struggling with their own spirituality and how to integrate their beliefs with their identity. Maybe others in their lives are struggling with this. I could go on and on because when it comes to being LGBTQ+ and issues of spirituality there is a lot of pain and confusion. Using unique techniques, this course can help you explore and work through whatever it is you are struggling with in a safe, judgment free zone.

I was so ashamed to admit that I was gay. I struggled for years with it, trying to not be gay. Then I met Jay and she helped me realize the problem wasn't with me. It was with everyone else. I am now so much happier in myself and in life. If you're like me, contact Jay. You don't have to live like this.

J. J.

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