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Plaintiffs/Victims in the Legal System

Image by Sasun Bughdaryan

The legal system is confusing and scary and complicated and being a victim or plaintiff can be exhausting. I have studied law and also understand the emotional and mental toll that the legal system can have on victims and plaintiffs. So, I have developed a range of courses aimed at helping you as you try to navigate through this trying time.


Deciding whether to press charges or sue.

Deciding whether to even participate in the legal system as either a victim/witness or a plaintiff can be exceptionally difficult. This course is aimed at educating you about the legal system and what moving forward would look like in your life as well as exploring the emotions, fear and barriers that you are struggling with and developing strategies to manage these so that you can make the best decision for YOU.

Legal System Support

The legal system can be a really lonely place especially for victims and plaintiffs.As someone who has studied and worked in both the legal system and the mental health field, I understand how difficult it can be and am uniquely equipped to support you through every aspect of the process. 

This is an indefinite service, that can last as long as you need it to. As such, prices vary. Please contact me for more information and pricing for your particular situation.

Accepting your new reality

The legal system is notoriously slow and so plaintiffs and victims are often caught up in lawsuits for years. Even after it's concluded, oftentimes things have changed significantly for you. This course will explore the changes this has caused in your life, your thoughts and feelings surrounding these changes and ways to accept and maximize these changes so that you can be as happy and content as possible.

Life in and after the legal system

Going through a lawsuit has implications and consequences for you and your life, both during and after. Utilizing a range of different tools, we will examine these consequences, the impact they are having on you, how your life has changed, as well as looking at dreams and ambitions for the future, future planning and anything else to help you move forward in life as happily as possible. This is a comprehensive course that covers elements of all the above courses to most effectively help you during and after this time.

This is a 3 month course.

Understanding and Navigating the Legal System

The legal system is confusing and complicated and can often feel like you are in a foreign country surrounded by people speaking a foreign language. This course will provide you with the information you need to understand what is happening, as well as exploring strategies to help you as you navigate through this system.

Advocating for yourself

When you are going through the legal system advocating for yourself is essential but it can also be difficult and daunting for a number of reasons. This course will use a variety of techniques to explore the barriers that are stopping you from being able to effectively advocate for yourself. We will then work together to establish strategies that you can use to overcome these barriers and more effectively advocate for yourself.

The lawsuit is over, what now?

A lawsuit is a significant event in your life and once it's concluded you are left with the aftermath. Through a variety of techniques, this course will explore the impact the legal action has had on you, any damage that has been done, your thoughts and your feelings and emotions surrounding the legal action.We will then, together, work to build techniques and strategies you can use to help you overcome the aftermath, whatever it may be.

don't know what I would've done without Jay. I knew nothing about how the law worked or even how to decide whether I wanted to move forward but Jay helped me understand the law and how I felt about it and was then there to help me with anything and everything that arose along the way. Highly recommend

R. D.

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