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Presentations and Trainings


Safety Plans for Victims of Domestic Violence & Stalking

While the typical safety plans are good, they are rarely comprehensive enough to make victims as safe as possible. Furthermore, if you can find a safety plan online or in a book, then so can the perpetrator. I have combed through online safety plans, consulted with many experts and used my own experiences to develop an extremely comprehensive safety planning model that gives victims the best chance of staying safe. I do not publish these plans anywhere, so perpetrators cannot gain access to them, but I do train professionals and others working in the field so that you too can help your clients stay as safe as possible. Please contact me for more information and pricing.

NOTE: This presentation is also available in an individual format if you, as a professional, would like to learn about this but don't have access to a presentation group.

Image by Marcel Strauß

Mental Health Awareness Presentations

I offer presentations to schools and other interested groups of adolescents or adults that educate and increase awareness around mental illness, whether it be a specific mental illness or mental illness in general. Please contact me for more information and pricing.

Image by Marcel Strauß
Image by nikko macaspac

Trauma Informed Mental Health Training for Lawyers, Doctors and other professionals

Many professions will work with people who are struggling with mental illness and/or are survivors of trauma, especially lawyers and doctors. But little if any education around working with these populations is provided in college courses. These trainings will equip you with the tools to approach your work with these populations through a trauma informed and compassionate lens, as well as providing you with the understanding you need to best help these clients access the help they need, from both you and other professionals. Please contact me for more information and pricing.

NOTE: This presentation is also available in an individual format if you, as a professional, would like to learn about this but don't have access to a presentation group.

Image by Marcel Strauß

Living in Recovery

These presentations center around my personal experiences with mental illness and how I overcame them. This presentation is ideal for treatment groups, schools, universities and other places where participants may be struggling themselves or know someone who struggles with mental illness. Throughout the presentation I will discuss the challenges I faced, how I overcame them and the things I do every day to remain in recovery. Please contact me for more information and pricing.

Image by Miguel Bruna
Image by Wesley Tingey

Being a Plaintiff in a Lawsuit

A presentation that every plaintiff focused law firm and therapist could benefit from! In this presentation I talk about a lawsuit from the perspective of the plaintiff. The unique struggles they face, the emotional toll it can take on them and how you, as professionals, can best support them.


As lawyers is it easy to become desensitized to the legal process - it seems normal. I was very desensitized. But the minute I became a plaintiff everything changed. Normal legal processes suddenly became devastating and unthinkable. This presentation will describe a lawsuit through a plaintiffs eyes, so that you can better support your clients through the process.


Conversely, as a therapist you likely receive little to no training around the legal system. So supporting a client through a lawsuit can feel as if you are in a foreign country and don't speak the language. This presentation will not only provide you with a basic understanding of the lawsuit process but also give you an idea of the emotional toll each step can have on a client, to better prepare you to support your clients through this difficult process.

Please contact me for me information and pricing.

NOTE: This presentation is also available in an individual format if you, as a professional, would like to learn about this but don't have access to a presentation group.

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