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Image by Toa Heftiba
Image by Ronak Valobobhai

Being stalked, whether it's by someone you know or a complete stranger, is terrifying, traumatic and extremely mentally taxing. The courses below are specifically created to target the different struggles that victims and survivors of stalking may face to help you live a safe, happy life.

**Please see "trauma" for more helpful courses**

Available Courses

Safety Plans

Stalking can be so unpredictable and so pervasive throughout every aspect of your life. It is essential that a safety plan takes all of this into account and covers as many bases as possible. I do not simply give you a safety plan you could have gotten online. Instead, I have combed through all available safety plans, talked to many professionals and used my own experiences to develop a unique, comprehensive safety plan to keep you safe now and long into the future. 

Safety plans are a flat fee and personalized to your specific circumstances and needs. Please contact me for more information and pricing.

Advocating for Yourself

When you are being stalked there are numerous circumstances that will require you to advocate for yourself to make sure you remain safe and your needs are met. This can be really difficult, especially with the emotional and mental toll that the stalking is no doubt taking on you. Using a range of different techniques, this course will focus on examining the barriers that make self advocacy challenging for you and will provide you with a variety of skills to help you begin to advocate effectively for yourself.

Learning to Trust Again

Whether your stalker is an old romantic partner or an acquaintance or even a stranger, being stalked can make it really difficult to trust existing people or to want to trust new people in your life. This course focuses on the barriers that are making it difficult for you to trust people, identifying red flags in people and giving you the basis to begin learning to trust people again.

Life After Being Stalked

This comprehensive course uses a variety of techniques to explore the barriers and obstacles that being stalked has created in your life, the safety issues that still need to be addressed, and any other consequences of being stalked. Once identifying these issues, we will work together to establish ways to overcome the barriers and ensure your safety so that you can move towards healing from this trauma and living a happy, safe life.

This is a 3 month course.

Court Support

If you are being stalked it is likely you will need to obtain an order of protection. You may also have to testify in a criminal trial or become involved in a civil lawsuit. The legal system is complex, confusing, scary and often really lonely. Even when you have a good support system, often they are just as confused as you. I have studied law and understand the legal system. I also understand what it is like to be a victim within this system. I can provide support and guidance as you navigate through this system. If you live in St. Louis or the surrounding areas I can even accompany you to any hearings or court appearances. If not, I can still assist you in obtaining a protective order, and offer support immediately before and/or after court appearances.

As this is an individualized service based on your circumstances and needs prices vary. Please contact me to discuss your particular situation.

Going to work or school during and after being stalked

Stalking permeates every aspect of your life, including your workplace or school. The stalker may stalk you while you are at work or school, or you may desperately be trying to stop them from finding out where you work or go to school. Even after the stalking has stopped, it can leaving you feeling unsafe for a long time. It can also be hard to focus on work or school while going through such a traumatic event. This course will focus on the unique challenges that you are facing at work or school due to the stalking, how to create or maintain your safety while at work or school and how to overcome these barriers so that you can be as safe and successful as possible.

Daring to Dream Again

When you have a stalker all that matters is staying safe and alive. Your goals and dreams for the future may fade away or be put on the back burner. Furthermore, after the stalking has ended, your dreams for the future may now seem impossible or too unsafe or scary.Whatever the reason, this course will use a variety of techniques to help you rediscover your dreams or create new dreams and establish steps that you can take to start moving towards those dreams once again.

Jay walked us through one of the worst times of our lives regarding a stalker. She was very professional, timely, thorough and as the perfect balance between fully informing/instructing us without adding to our fear. She was always available to answer our texts and emails. She was able to see the whole picture while also analyzing our situation to the smallest detail. And she offered many services to deal with the aftermath of this traumatizing event. She is the best of the best. I would recommend her to anyone.

Former Client

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