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My Mental Health Is Fine; Why Would I Need A Coach?

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Have you ever heard a phrase like “it’s 90% mental?” This is true of almost everything. Of course, there is hard work and practice and skill and maybe even a little bit of luck that goes into achieving something. But if your mind isn’t focused, if you are not confident, if you do not believe you can do it, then chances are, it won’t happen. Or, if it does, you won’t reach your full potential.

Why? Because there is a huge mental component to everything we do. Even in something as simple as heating food in the microwave – if you are not thinking about what you are doing you could burn the food, under or overheat the food, or even set the food on fire. This mental element becomes more and more important the harder the task or the higher we strive.

Your mental health can be in perfect condition and yet you still may struggle with something like this. Because, let’s face it, everyone has moments of doubt or under-confidence. No one can focus 100% of the time. That would actually be detrimental to our mental health. Every person needs moments of rest and relaxation, no matter how much time and attention our career or passion or goal requires.

Mental Health and Wellness Coaches don’t just work with people struggling with their mental health. Mental wellness is just as important and is a constant process. There is always room for improvement, there is always ways to grow. Mental wellness requires work, coaches can help with that.

Maybe you are a sports player experiencing a dip in your performance. Yes, there might be something in your technique that needs adjustment. But that dip in your performance is bound to have introduced some doubts. Maybe its’ caused just the slightest dip in your self-confidence or belief in yourself and your abilities. Even if the change is minute, it needs to be addressed or it can quickly escalate.

Maybe you’re a professional who just got some negative feedback. If it’s the first time or the twentieth time, it’s bound to influence you. Maybe it’s just the slightest whisper in your head raising the slightest doubt. Maybe now you are triple checking your work which is taking a toll on your energy or stress levels. Whatever the consequence, if you don’t address it, it will grow.

Or maybe you are someone who hasn’t really given much thought to your mental health because it’s not a problem for you. Mental health and wellness gets better with work so imagine how much better things could be if you did work on it?

These are just a couple of the scenarios in which doubts or blows to self-confidence may happen. Maybe you are sitting here thinking, “yea I have some doubts, but they don’t really impact me.” Maybe that’s true. But imagine what you would be capable of if those doubts weren’t there. Maybe they motivate you and so you actually end up performing better. That can also happen. But wouldn’t it be great to perform at the same level without those doubts?

Have you ever said to yourself “yes, I’m stressed but I’m supposed to be. This [job, sport, life etc.] is stressful.” That may be true. Stress is a natural part of life, and some stress can help us. But stress can also escalate quickly if not addressed and cause all sorts of mental and physical problems. I can help you find techniques that work for you to manage that stress and keep it at a productive level.

It's important to work on your mental wellness no matter how good you feel. You may feel like this is unnecessary because you have everything you want in life and your happy. But what if you could have more? What if you could enjoy the life you have even more? What if you could be even happier? Isn’t it worth a shot? The process of working on your mental wellness is not designed to make it worse, so what do you have to lose?

Everyone, even the happiest, most content people, goes through periods of self-doubt, under-confidence, high stress etc. But how great would it be if you had the tools to reduce and manage these periods? Even if you already have ways to manage these periods, maybe there are faster, more effective ways? Maybe there are other things you could add that would compliment your strategies.

Whatever your situation, I can help. Life is 90% mental. Let’s make sure that “mental” part is as strong as it can be.

a guy in a top of a mountain


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